address:Porte de Versailles,Paris,France
hallname:Paris Porte de Versailles
sponsor:Reed Expositions France
contact details
name:Sadia Spera Rizani
telephone:+33 (0) 1. 47. 56. 21. 85
Email:sadia.rizani @
details info
With a growing market which shows in 2012 a turnover of 5.5 billion euros and 1.6 billion consumers worldwide, the Halal is expanding both in terms of the product offer scope of distribution.
The Paris Halal Summit , an event dedicated exclusively to the Halal market, will bring together all stakeholders with the latest news and special events. The Paris Halal Summit aims to be fair sourcing Halal in France. 's Sandwich Snack Show room is enriched with a new environment can benefit the obvious