date:Jan 12, 2024
price:600.00/metric ton
model:Peanut Oil
brand:TT, LC, SBLC, DLC
minamount:100metric ton
amount:100000metric ton
Delivery time:14days
send:click send
name:Alsayed Hamed(Mr.)
telephone:60- SEDAH-174862197
mobile: 174862197
adress:06 sedah

Peanut oil has a pleasing and sometimes light, nutty flavor. In addition to its great taste, peanut oil is perfect for deep-frying because it has a unique property. It does not absorb the flavor of other foods cooked in the oil. Therefore, you can cook several different items together and each will maintain their own great taste. Peanut oil is also one of the worlds traditional deep-frying oils because it can reach a high temperature that keeps the outside of food crispy and the inside very mois