date:Aug 16, 2022
Delivery time:3days
company:Xi'an Yuensun Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
send:click send
name:Howey Huang(Mr.)
adress:No.18 Zone C, Pioneering R&D Park, No.69 Jinye Rd., Xi'an
post code:710000

Mulberry Powder
Latin Name: Morus alba Linn.
Used Part: Fruit juice
Appearance: Purple fine powder
Certification: Organic, Kosher, Halal, HACCP, FSSC 22000
Product Descripion
Mulberry powdercontains fatty acids and other substances, they can break down fat, lower blood lipids, prevent hardening of the blood vessels, and protect our blood vessels.
Mulberry powder containsa variety of fructose and vitamins, as well as mineral elements and trace elements, which can promote our health and improve im