date:Aug 02, 2019
Delivery time:3days
company:Hengshui Fangchen FRP Equipment Technology Co., Ltd.
send:click send
name:Miss sunny(Ms.)
adress:No.6 east of Rubber Road, Northern Industry Area, Hengshui, Hebei, China.
post code:053000

The main components of the vertical winding equipment are mold returning platform, winding trolley and walking track, dipping equipment, roving creel and roving guiding system, computer control system.
Scope of production:
Applicable diameter range: DN4000-DN10000 FRP tank with height of 12000mm.
Applicable diameter range: DN10000-DN15000 FRP tank with height of 10000mm.
Applicable diameter range: DN15000-DN20000 Made of FRP tank with height of 8000mm.
Applicable diameter range: DN2000