date:Jan 25, 2018
model:Sunflower Seed Kernels
Delivery time:3days
company:al sob resources
send:click send
name:iman jared(Mr.)
adress:al sob resource

Sunflower seeds have a huge demand in the international market. These seeds find a really versatile use as they are sold in-shell seeds and dehulled kernels. They are used both as garnishing ingredient in many recipes and as nutritious quick snack. The sunflower oil, extracted by pressing the hulled seeds is used as healthy edible oil.
Oil : 40 45% max
Protein : 15 20% max
Crude fiber : 16 27 max
Ash : 1 2% max
Foreign matter : 1% max
Damaged seeds : 1% max
Immature, shriveled and dead seed