date:Dec 23, 2017
Delivery time:3days
company:Hebei Alambre Galvanizado Malla Products Co.,Ltd
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name:bai yang(Ms.)
adress:Hebei Alambre Galvanizado Malla Products Co.,Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of wire products and mesh products, located in the Raoyang, Hebei Province, the intersection in the triangle area of Be

High ribbed formwork lath is made of hot-dip zinc coated steel expanded sheet, and is used to be the material of formwork for concrete reinforcement. The products are made of the metl lath and the U pattern rib bone. It can hold the concrete grout and become a rugged surface, which does not need to be taken care of and continue next grouting work. Ribbed formwork is more endurable than plywood formwork.
The lath and ribs are formed on machines which first cut and press the mesh and then roll-fo