date:Dec 27, 2012
model: raisin cinnamon bagels
brand:L/C, T/T
Delivery time:15days
company:Oakrun Farm Bakery
send:click send
name:Oakrun Farm(Mr.)
adress:58 Carluke Road West Ancaster, Ontario L9G 3L1, Canada

Raisin cinnamon bagels
Our raisin cinnamon bagels taste delicious toasted plain, with butterorwith a delicious slice of cheddar cheese.
Enjoy the aroma of cinnamon and the flavour burst of plump raisins.
Packed 6, this New York style bagel is unsliced.
Enjoy for breakfast, lunchora snack.
Handling and Preparation
For Best results, split and toast bagels before serving. If frozen, defrost at room temperature for 15 to 20 minutes before toasting. Toaster: 1. Gently split bagels with a fork a