date:Dec 06, 2012
brand:L/C, T/T
Delivery time:10days
company:Sekkingstad AS
send:click send
name:Robert Johansen(Mr.)
telephone:47-5631 -9300
adress:Skaganeset, 5382 Skogsv?g, Norway

Atlantic Farmed Salmon from Norway ( Salmo Salar)is available in all sizes graded from 1-2 kgs up to 9 kgs+, gutted, head-on. Salmon can also be supplied headless. Salmon is available all the year around, fresh and frozen.
In Sekkingstads whole salmon process, the fish are harvested, cleaned and packed on ice within 40 minutes. The salmon can be processed, packed and graded to customer specifications.Combined with the companys on-line fresh processing, blast freezers are used to maintain the su