date:Oct 21, 2014
Delivery time:3days
company:Altrafine Gums
send:click send
name:Ajit Patel(Mr.)
adress:88/2, G.I.D.C. Estate,Phase – 1, Near Jindal Char Rasta, Vatva, Ahmedabad – 382 445,Gujarat, India.
post code:382445

Guar Gum Powder is extracted from the Guar Seed after a multistage industrial process. The most imporant property of Guar Gum is its ability to hydrate rapidly in cold water to attain uniform and very high viscosity at relatively low concentrations. Its colloidal nature gives excellent thickening to the solution. Guar Gum, either modified or unmodified is a very versatile and efficient natural polymer covering a number of applications in various industries like food, beverages, pharmaceuticals,