date:Jul 02, 2014
company:Seasons International Pvt. Ltd.
send:click send
name:Vibhanshu Saxena(Mr.)
adress:5-O-1, R.C.Vyas Colony, Bhilwara (Raj) INDIA

Nutrionists swear by it! They are found in almost all menus across the world and India produces a superabundance of it. Being an agrarian economy, India is a huge grower Of Pulses and Rice most of which is consumed by the millions who live here.
We export various types of pulses(Dals) like Red lentils, Chickpeas(Chana dal), Moong, Toor and Urad, all in whole and processed form.
Realising that Rice forms the staple diet in other cultures as well and with Indian cuisine and styles of preparatio