date:Jun 26, 2014
company:Guangxi Zhongyun Group
send:click send
name:Amelia Lin(Ms.)
mobile:+86138 788 88331
adress:ROOM A, 48F, International champer of commerce Tower, No.59 JinHu Road, Nan Ning City, GuangXi Province, China

Product: Pure Ginger Tea 1800g
Packing: 300g x 6
Net Weight: 1800g
Ingridents: Fine quality Ginger Juice, Honey,white crystal sugar,Brown sugar
Ginger is a light brown root with a distinctive taste and qualities that make it a much coveted herb due to high levels of Vitamin C, magnesium and other minerals. Once made into tea, you can add peppermint, honey or lemon to mask the taste of the ginger.
The benefits of ginger tea are well documented and include treatment and cures for some commo