city:S?o Paulo
address:Pav.da Bienal do Ibirapuera, S?o Paulo, Brazil
hallname:Pav.da Bienal do Ibirapuera
sponsor:NürnbergMesse GmbH
contact details
name:Rua Verbo Divino
telephone:+55 (11) 5575-1233
details info
NrnbergMesse and Francal Feiras in partnership to promote the major platform for the business of organics in Brazil
Bio Brazil Fair/Bio Fach Amrica Latina consolidates as the most important trade fair for the segment in Latin America
NrnbergMesse Brasil and Francal Feiras, two of the most important trade fair organizers in Brazil announce the joining of their trade fairs of organic products in Brazil. The partnership will be effected in the next edition, which will take place in June 2013