date:Dec 03, 2013
company:CV.Tropical Indo Pratama
send:click send
name:Haji Sahruna(Mr.)
adress:Jalan Karya L.24 No.42/14 Medan20117, Medan, Propinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

specification product :Ash : 6%(4.6%) Rosin Test : Pass / AIM : 25% / Dracorhodin : 3-4% ( Sure )
quantity permonth :50kgs
abou the Dragon Blood / Dragons Blood Extract - History and Facts
The Ming dynasty medical scholar Li Shizhen, one of the great pharmacologists of China, in his Herbal Foundation Compendium (Ben Cao Gang Mu), written in 1578 and published in 1593, renamed this herbal medicine, Long Xue Jie, what is now known as Dragons Blood. He later referred to Dragons Blood as the quick