date:Sep 21, 2013
Delivery time:3days
company:Marine Chemicals
send:click send
name:Kurian Jose (JR)(Mr.)
mobile:+91 9526063666
fax:91 - 484 - 2220801
adress:Deepa Building, Santo Gopalan Road, Chullickal, Cochin - 682 005
post code:682005

We are the largest Manufacturer Exporter of AGAR AGAR in India suitable for various applications in Food, Confectionary, Microbiology, Pharmaceuticals, Culture media, Biotechnology Plant Tissue Culture.
We manufacture food grade Agar in Powder Strips form having gel strength ranging from 800-1200 GM/CM which is supplied in bulk and retail packing.
We also manufacture bacteriological Agar for Microbiology/Culture media manufacturing, apart from TC Grade Agar for Plant Tissue Culture applicat